SFES Communicator – December 11, 2020
December 11, 2020
Reminder: School Calendar Changes for December
A reminder that the Board of Education made changes to the school calendar to allow our staff additional in-service days and time as they balance in-person, virtual and hybrid learning. Please adjust your family calendars accordingly. 
December 21 – in-service for staff, no school for students
December 22 – no school for staff or students
January 4 – return to school
Infinite Campus: Is Your Information Current?
Wondering why your spouse gets e-mails from school and you don’t?
Not receiving text updates like you used to?
Had a name change or other information to update?
Please take a moment to check your contact information in Infinite Campus and make any changes or updates. It helps us keep you informed and keep all kids safe!
Lunch Order Form for the Week of December 21
Even though students will be on vacation, our Nutrition Team will still be preparing free meals for all students.
If you are interested in getting meals for the week of December 21, please fill out this form (https://forms.gle/3mTunATch1Ybk2Pu9).
Meals will be available for pick up on December 21 in two location/times:
1) the FRONT drive of the middle school on Monday, Dec 21 from 10am to 11am, 
2) the FRONT drive of the high school on Monday, Dec 21 from 3 to 4 pm.
This order form is due noon on TUESDAY, December 15 for meals to be picked up on December 21.
PLEASE NOTE: You must complete one form per child.  
There will be no meal distribution on December 28. We will resume meal distribution on January 4.
COVID Exposure and Quarantining
Wondering what the newly released recommendations from the CDC and the Sheboygan County Health Department mean for quarantining and how long to quarantine in general in cases of COVID exposure? Click HERE for guidance.
In addition, in case you missed it, HERE is a message from Superintendent Annalee Bennin, on the updated guidelines and what they mean for the School District.
All families received a letter from Superintendent Bennin on December 10 regarding our District status and CDC/Sheboygan County Health Department updates. It is important that you read here.
Virtual Learning Reminder
With the uptick in COVID cases in the county and across the state, many families have requested information about the requirements if they choose to have their child learn virtually. See HERE for the requirements for families that choose to have their child learn virtually, along with helpful information for making a decision for your family.
Youth & Family Resource Opportunities
December 2020
Check out these December Youth and Family Resources HERE
From Our School Nurses
Counselors’ Corner
Holiday stress weighing on you? Check out THESE TIPS.
Mrs. Lorge & Mrs. Humski
Elementary School Counselors
Holiday Celebrations
This year, our Holiday Sing-along will be during the school day in classrooms, but our students will also sing in video format for their classroom families (your child’s teacher will send the link). We look forward to the next time we can sing together as a community. In the meantime, share some songs as a family or with your extended family, however you may visit over the winter break (Google Meet, anyone?).
Mrs. Haines and Mrs. Schmitz
Winter Weather Outerwear Reminder
We play outside every day that the temperature (including wind chill) is above zero degrees Fahrenheit, thus please be sure your child has appropriate outerwear (coat, hat, hand coverings), and dig out those snow pants and boots (snow will be here before you know it). 
If you find you need assistance with these items, please reach out to our school counselors or school office.
Seeking Substitute Teachers
The School District of Sheboygan Falls is actively seeking substitute teachers for immediate placement in classrooms.
In order to keep schools open for face to face learning, the District is seeking anyone with a teaching license or a bachelor’s degree to assist in filling open positions. Emergency licenses or permits may be granted to qualified applicants. You do not need a teaching license to substitute, as a bachelor’s degree qualifies you to be a substitute teacher.
Click here for more information.
Message from the Principals
Happiest of Holidays to our Falcon Families! While these holidays may look a bit different, we hope there will be special memories and time to rest and recharge. Remember to do a little bit of reading over break to keep the learning going, and find time to get some fresh air when the weather permits.
Lynn Bub, SFES Principal
Shelley Hyde, SFES Associate Principal