SFMS Messenger – November 22, 2019
November 22, 2019
Calendar of Events
22: Family Movie Night 3:30
26: Boys Basketball at Home
2: Boys Basketball at Two Rivers
3: Boys Basketball at New Holstein
5: 7th grade Boys Basketball at Home
7: Craft Fair sponsored by Student Council at ES
9: Winter MS/HS Band Concert at 7pm at SFHS
10: Title One Family Day at 7:50am in the SFMS Commons
10: FEU Meeting at 6:00pm
12: Boys Basketball at home
13: 8th Grade STEM trip to LTC
16: Winter MS/HS Choral Concert at 7pm at SFHS
17: Boys Basketball at Plymouth
Jazz Concert
On Monday, November 18, our community was treated to the sweet sounds of the middle and high school Jazz bands. 
From the Nurses
As the cold weather is upon us and we are indoors with each other and our families please remember some important health tips. 
National Handwashing Week is December 1-7, 2019. This is so important for Infection Prevention. 
Follow these simple steps:
  • Wash or sanitize your hands upon entering the building. 
  • Always wash or sanitize your hands when dirty or before eating.
  • Do not cover you cough or sneeze with your hands.
  • Finally, remember to never touch your T zone (mucous membranes of the eyes, nose or mouth) This reduces your chances of getting sick from a respiratory or gastro-intestinal infection.
Counselor’s Corner
Our value this month is honor. Honor is letting someone know you see how valuable they really are. What are some ways you honor people in your life?
  • Honor is our value this month and it is a way to make smart decisions. Showing someone honor is smart because it builds a relationship with that person. Learning about people and being able to work together with others are great ways to help you make smart decisions.
  • It is great timing, too, since this is the month we celebrate Thanksgiving. Showing gratitude for someone is a lot like honoring them. How can you let someone know you are grateful for what they have done for you?
  • Mohandas Gandhi was a lawyer from India who practiced nonviolence to change laws. He pushed for the rights of the poorest Indians who were mistreated under British rule. He was known for his integrity. He did not ask anything of his supporters that he did not do himself. Gandhi led his people to nonviolently protest British rule until they attained independence in 1947. Our Big Idea is honor, letting someone know you see how valuable they are. Mohandas Gandhi was honored for his leadership and dedication to his community.
  • As we come to the end of the month, it would be a great idea to make a list of adults who help you and make sure you find time to thank them. There could be dozens of people if you really think about it, so you should get started as soon as you can!
  • No matter what you choose to do after high school, knowing how to honor people for their actions will play a part in your next steps. Working in a team and being a manager of others require that we know how to honor others for their hard work. Learning about other people and what brings them joy is a great way to know how to honor them.
Lego League News
Congratulations to the Lego League!
The SFMS Lego League participants competed this past weekend. The Brick Bois ended up placing in the top 12 and for the 2nd year in a row are moving onto sectionals in December. They also received an award for best research for their indoor universal playground here in Falls. Overall both teams did a great job representing SFSD with gracious professionalism.
We are hiring
Job Title:
Playground/Lunchroom Supervisor for Middle School
Job Description:  
The School District of Sheboygan Falls is looking for supervisors to be responsible for the children’s health, safety and social development during recess and lunchtime sessions. Position is 10.5 hrs/week, school year. Pay range: $8.48 – $11.83 per hour. 
  Enthusiastic, team player who enjoys being with children and acts professionally.
 To stand, walk and work outdoors for prolonged periods, understand and follow written or oral directions, adhere to schedules, work independently. Maintain a safe and orderly environment.
How to Apply:
  An application can be downloaded from the district website,
FEU Paint Night
The FEU (Families and Educators United) hosted a their first ever Paint Night for families. Mr. Hoes, SFES Art teacher, walked students and their families through how to paint a winter scene on canvas.
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thanks for your assistance with our Virtual Learning Day trial on November 14. Just one student forgot to return a Chromebook to school, and no Chromebooks were damaged. Students were also successful in completing the homework that had been assigned. I feel we are prepared for a Virtual Learning Day, but hopeful we do not get weather that will require us to use one!
Many thanks to Ashley from Your Choice to Live for her November 21 Vaping presentation to students and parents. I have included some links if you are interested in additional information about vaping.
As you can see by the calendar of events, there is a lot happening at SFMS! You are welcome to join us for basketball games or winter band and choral concerts. Our students have been busy preparing for these events and look forward to sharing their talents with you.
You are also welcome to join us on December 10th at 7:50 for our Title One Family Day. Bring your child to school and stay to learn more about how their day at school. You will have the opportunity to visit your child’s classroom. We will have coffee and muffins for you too! More information is coming on this event.
SFMS Principal