SFMS Messenger – November 4, 2021


November 4, 2021
Message from the Principals
Dear SFMS Families,
Can you believe it? The end of Quarter 1 is here. Students have been working hard during this final stretch. Did you know that you are able to monitor your child’s progress via the Infinite Campus app? The Infinite Campus app is used for reporting of your child’s grades earned. You can access the Infinite Campus (mobile app) via the Sheboygan Falls app.
Here is a link to the instructions on how to download the Sheboygan Falls app:
You can also access instructions for the IC (Infinite Campus app) and the Canvas app here: https://www.sheboyganfalls.k12.wi.us/family-resources .
If you are having difficulty accessing your child’s grades or navigating Infinite Campus, please feel free to contact the office at 920-467-7880.
Amanda Pound, SFMS Principal
Ryan Zak, SFMS Associate Principal
Update from Superintendent Bennin
Here we are, having just turned the calendar to November … which means we have wrapped up our first quarter, parent-teacher conferences are underway, the high school musical is premiering tonight, and the days and nights are getting chilly!
As we enter this new season and new quarter, I want to thank you for your dedication to the district and for your partnership and collaboration as we foster an environment for your children to continue growing socially, emotionally, and academically.  
Should you have feedback for the district, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Stay Warm and Healthy,
Annalee Bennin 
Get In the Zone with SEL
Each morning at the Middle School, we all get In the Zone with SEL (Social Emotional Learning)! To get In the Zone so that we’re calm, focused, and ready to learn, a staff member leads the whole school in a greeting, introduces an SEL skill, prompts classrooms with a couple of questions to discuss together about the skill, and then shares a few closing remarks. Students and staff then follow-up on these skills during their FOCUS time on Wednesdays and Fridays. Getting In the Zone is just one way our students & staff are building community and SEL skills!
Learning To Count in Español
Uno, Dos, Tres….
Students in Senora Bougher’s exploratory 6th grade Spanish class learn how to count past 30. In the photo, Senora Bougher’s students are counting out loud together as she references the numbers on the interactive whiteboard.
FCS with Ms. Deem
This school year, the Middle School and High School welcomed a new FCS (Family Consumer Science) teacher, Ms. Beverly Deem-Culbertson. Ms. Deem comes to Sheboygan Falls from Manitowoc. Students in FCS engage in hands-on activities around culinary exploration, home interior design, and sewing skills. Students in these photos are making microwave caramel popcorn. They had to follow a recipe and measure ingredients to make their scrumptious creations!
Recess Fun!
And, Cold Weather Reminder …
REMINDER: We go outside every day the temperature is above zero! Please make sure to send students to school with appropriate coats and hats.
District and Related Employment Opportunities
Looking for part-time work? Full-time work? Flexibility?
The District and Related Organizations have some great opportunities!
SCHOOL DISTRICT OPPORTUNITIES: Opportunities within the School District can be found using the below links. Note that if you are looking for flexibility, we are actively seeking Substitute Teacher positions which can be found under the Certified Positions.
BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF SHEBOYGAN COUNTY: Afterschool program fees are waived for children of parents who work at the Boys & Girls Club! If you are interested in part-time work, your child can be enrolled in the afterschool program for FREE while you work for the Club. Current open positions include Site Coordinator and After School Activity Leader. Learn more or apply at www.ThePositivePlace.com/careers.
HEIDENREITER BUS SERVICE: Heidenreiter Bus Service has opportunities for school bus drivers. Find more information HERE.
November Youth and Family Resource Guide
Please see HERE or click the banner below for November Youth and Family opportunities.
Reminder: Masks on the Bus
A reminder that, as federally mandated, masks are required on the bus. Please remind your bus-riders that they should bring / wear a mask. While the bus drivers do have some extras, the supply is running low! Thank you for your cooperation!
From the Nurses …
Reminder from the Nurses: If your child is absent and being tested, when returning to school, please send along a copy of the negative COVID result. This can be a paper copy or digital. Our emails are: [email protected] and/or [email protected]. Not sending along results will delay your child from being able to join their class.