SFMS Messenger – October 16, 2019
October 21st, 2019


October 16, 2019
Calendar of Events
19 Cross Country at SF
22 Parent/Teacher Conferences
24 Student/Staff Volleyball Game
25 NO School for Students
29 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Click here for the newsletter from our School Nurses and Sheboygan County Public Health.
STEM Hands-on Learning
Fifth grade STEM students working
together to learn about circuits!
Sixth grade STEM students are using sheet music to program their robots to play specific notes through sound commands so they can hear the song. 
Author Visit
Author Jacqueline West visited on Friday, October 11. She spoke with fifth and sixth graders about her books and writing experiences.
Vaping Epidemic Among Teens
E-cigarette use has become an epidemic among our nation’s youth and you as the parent have an important role in addressing this issue.
Talk with Your Kids
You can influence your children’s decision about whether to use e-cigarettes. Even if you have used tobacco yourself, your children will listen if you discuss your struggles with nicotine addiction. Be clear that you don’t approve of them smoking or using e-cigarettes, and that you expect them to live tobacco-free.
A Tip Sheet for Parents
– How do I talk to my kid about this?
All Parents are invited to attend this very important free presentation:
Vaping: What Parents Should Know
Thursday, November 21 @ 6:00 p.m.
High School Auditorium
2019-2020 Youth Basketball Leagues
2019-2020 Youth Basketball Leagues are forming.
If you are interested in having your child sign up please click here for the registration form. League runs on Saturdays from December 7, 2019 thru March 21, 2020.
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
With parent/teacher conferences coming up on the 22nd and 29th, I wanted to share the link for sign-up with you. You can access the sign-up here:
Please take advantage of this opportunity as SFMS staff is looking forward to meeting with you regarding your child’s progress thus far. You have the option to choose which teachers that you would like to meet with unless if you are a fifth grade parent. If that is the case, you should register with your child’s check-in teacher. 
If you have any questions regarding this process, please feel free to contact the middle school office at (920) 467-7880. We look forward to seeing you next week!
Middle School Principal


SFMS Messenger – October 1, 2019
October 2nd, 2019


October 1, 2019
From the Principal
Dear SFMS Families,
Welcome Back! We are in the full swing of learning here at SFMS! Students have settled into their routines and courses. Extra-curricular and athletics are also up and running! It has been a busy start to our school year. We are excited to be back at what we love to do.
As the school year progresses, please feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher with any questions or concerns that you may have. We are here to partner with you in order to ensure that all SFMS students are successful not only with their academic achievement, but also in their social and emotional development. Looking ahead, our school conferences are October 22 and 29. This would be another opportunity for your to connect with your child’s teachers. More information on scheduling conferences will be coming out soon.
Amanda Pound
Middle School Principal
Homecoming 2019
Artists on Display
An update from Mrs. Fischer
The artwork in the glass display case outside the Art room is a collaborative piece made by ALL the Art students in grades 5-8. Each student contributed a piece to make the whole. It was our very first piece of the year. We learned about contemporary artist, Jen Stark, a Los Angeles-based artist whose bright, patterned artwork inspired us! (
, or on Instagram, @jenstark)  She recently designed a line of custom shoes for Vans with her recognizable “paint drips” on them, and also collaborated with Smashbox cosmetics to design packaging. It was fun to teach the students about a living, working artist who is part of American pop culture.  
For this very first drawing of the year, students had a fairly non-threatening, easy-to-master task, (a great way to boost confidence at the start of the year) creating echoing lines that look like paint drips. We used Sharpie and Crayola markers to add color in students’ choice, or they could mimic the “Jen Stark” signature look. During the work sessions, we established work routines, such as accessing the art materials properly, cleaning up, and reviewed Art Room expectations. It was fun to see all the hundreds of pieces come together and showcase the individuality of our students.  
Welcome Back from the School Nurses!
An update from the School Nurses
Please remember to make sure you to communicate your children’s immunizations to your school nurses. If you are new to the district, or have a student entering 4k, 5k,or 6th grade you need to provide a copy of updated immunization records. 
We also want to remind you of our policy of when not to send your children to school. This information is also on the district website and in the student handbooks.
Cold/Sore Throat/Cough:
A child with a severe cold and hacking cough should remain home and rest even though they may not have a fever. If your child complains of a sore throat and has no other symptoms he/she may go to school. If white spots can be seen in the back of the throat or a fever is present, keep the child home and call your physician
Stomach Ache/Vomiting/ Diarrhea:
Contact your doctor if your child has a stomach ache which is persistent enough to limit his/her activity. If vomiting occurs, keep your child at home until he/she can keep solid food down. A child with diarrhea should be kept home. Contact your doctor if improvement does not occur.
A fever is a warning that all is not right. NO child with a fever of 100 degrees(without fever reducing agents) should be sent to school. Do not allow your child to return to school until he/she has been fever free for 24 hours.
A rash may be the first sign of one of the many childhood’s illnesses, such as chicken pox. A rash may cover the entire body or may appear in only one area. Do not send your child with a rash to school until your physician has said it is safe to do so.
Innovative Learning Experiences
State Senator LaMahieu visited SFMS on September 16th. He toured our building and chatted with students in Art and STEM classes about what topics they were researching and engaging in learning about. Our students were well-spoken and excited to share their classroom experiences with him!
Eighth Grade students demonstrated their ingenuity during Science as they used air resistance and impact resistance to prevent the breakage of an uncooked egg’s descent from a 21 foot drop. 
From our Partners @ Healthy Sheboygan County 2020
Have your voice heard! We need your input on Sheboygan County’s gaps in accessing mental and behavioral health care. Please take a brief 2-5 minutes to complete the survey attached, and give your input on what our community’s gaps are in accessing mental health and behavioral health care. Your voice matters!
Healthy Sheboygan County 2020 values your insight, and appreciates you taking your time to complete this. Please feel free to share widely!
Counselor’s Corner
From our School Counselors
We are so happy to be back at school with all of our students and are excited to continue to be a part of another great school year! We wanted to remind families about the support and role that we play as your child(ren)’s School Counselors. School Counselors work with students in three main areas; Classroom School Counseling lessons, Individual Counseling, and Small Group Counseling. We collaborate with staff, families, and community resources to best support the needs of our students. 
School Counselors support the whole student. Just as important as academic success and wellbeing is mental health. We are sharing the
Mental Health America Back To School Toolkit as an extra resource to support you and your child(ren)’s mental health. 
Mental Health America Toolkit
Please feel free to reach out to either of us throughout the school year for any support, services, or resources that we can help provide. 
Mr. Patrick Uselding, grades 6-8
Mrs. Britne Lorge, grade 5
SFMS Counselors –
Investing in You
Be Prepared – Emergency Test on October 6
The District has improved our parent and staff notification system in order to alert you of cancellations, emergencies, events, etc.  Though you have already signed up in Infinite Campus, we need you to indicate your preferences in the new system.
To do this, simply go to the notification page on our website and use the registration code Falcon.
Six easy steps: 
  1. Click on sign up at the bottom of the webpage. https://www.sheboyganfalls.k12.wi.us/notifications
  2. Enter the registration code Falcon and your email or phone to get started.
  3. Verify using your phone or email and you will receive a verification code.
  4. Create a password for your account.
  5. Indicate if you would like to receive alerts on voice or text message, as well as email.
  6. Next click on “subscriptions” and confirm your demographics using the demographics tab. Go through each drop-down menu to indicate your alert preferences. 
The District will be testing our messaging system at NOON on Sunday, October 6, 2019.
The test will come from the same phone number and email address you are used to. If you only receive a message in Infinite Campus inbox, please let the office know at your school that you did not receive the test message on your phone or email as you had signed up to receive.
If you have questions, please contact Network Administrator Josh Schuren,
[email protected]
Safe Schools Alert
Have a concern about bullying or other unsafe behavior?
The SAFE SCHOOLS ALERT system allows you to quickly, easily, and anonymously report safety concerns to school officials 24/7/365. Help us create a safer learning environment. To submit a tip, please use this website:
You can also find a link in three places on our website:
1) quick link in the purple bar on our home page,
2) student resources page, or
3) family resources page.
You can also download the Safe Schools Alert app using the directions below.
Girl’s STEM Day Conference Nov 2
Saturday, November 2, 2019
8 a.m. – 1:30pm
UW-Green Bay, Sheboygan Campus
1 University Drive, Sheboygan, WI 53081
Only $10 per student. Includes lunch
Click here for Schedule of Events.
Calendar of Events
1 Cross Country at Two Rivers
3 Cross Country at Pumpkin Run
7 Volleyball at Home
10 Cross County at Campbellsport
10 Volleyball at Urban MS
14 Volleyball at Home
19 Cross Country at SF
22 Parent/Teacher Conferences
24 Student/Staff Volleyball Game
25 NO School for Students
29 Parent/Teacher Conferences


SFMS Messenger – May 2019
May 16th, 2019
May 2019
From the Principal
Dear SFMS Families,
Can you believe it? The school year has flown by and here we are, saying goodbye to a successful school year and beginning planning already for the 2019-2020 school year. There is so much good to reflect upon this school year. We successfully opened a new school and as you will see in this issue, our students continue to engage experiences that are exercising their minds! Our learning will continue to the last day of school as we all work to finish strong.
Thank you for supporting your child(ren) as they learn and grow at SFMS. We are so grateful to have you as a part of our learning community!
Please remember that our last day of school (June 7) is now a full day of school due to the number of snow days we had this Winter.
Amanda Pound
Interim Middle School Principal
Goodbye Career Cruising, Hello Xello!
For the past 5 years, Sheboygan Falls Middle School has been using the website Career Cruising to help students with academic and career planning. When Wisconsin State Statute 115.28(59), commonly referred to as Academic and Career Planning (ACP), went into effect last year, Career Cruising was the software platform the state provided to schools to meet this state requirement. This August, Career Cruising is becoming Xello, a much more engaging, visually appealing & easier to use website.
Xello’s investigative, discovery based learning process has four key parts: building self-knowledge; exploring educational and career options; creating an actionable plan to help achieve school, career & life goals; and learning & reassessing opportunities to help students develop the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in school and beyond. Just as they could with Career Cruising, students can share their Xello profiles with parents and staff for feedback and encouragement. For more information about Xello, visit
The registration date for the 2019-2020 school year has been set for 
Tuesday, July 30th from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Please note that registration is just ONE day and will take place at the high school. Registration notifications, forms, and payments will all be done through Infinite Campus and convenience fees are waived during July and August. 
If online registration and fee payment are completed prior to this date, the only thing that will have to done at registration will be to have your student photographed and pick up schedules/teacher assignments.
Students unable to attend registration day will be able to make up photos in September after school starts.
Learning within and beyond the Classroom
Students in Miss Beaudry’s 5th grade classes are working on opinion writing. They are currently conducting and organizing research to support the position they’ve taken on an issue. 
Students in Mrs. Dufoor’s 6th grade math class are conducting experiments to practice gathering and displaying data accurately. The goal for this experiment was to see how many drops of water would fit on the head of each type of coin. They did four trials for each coin, found the mean, built a data table, and answered questions about their findings. They will then use this data to create stem and leaf plots. 
Sharing Knowledge
High School CAPP Chemistry students visited SFMS to present a lab as part of their final project. The students got to feel the results of an endothermic reaction.
Community Learning and Sharing
Scientists from Millipore Sigma presented to Mr. Berg and Mr. Oetjen’s eighth grade science students. The students worked through a Curiosity Lab to develop a water filter. They also had a presentation on the work that Millipore Sigma does and careers in the Chemistry field.
Students in Mrs. Kaiser’s seventh grade science class were working on Newton’s 2nd Law Labs. Students had to create their own lab to demonstrate Newton’s 2nd Law. We also utilized our neighborhood for our testing area.
Students in Ms. Probst’s 5th Grade STEM classes researched tall ships as a part of their transportation unit. They are applying their knowledge of what keeps ships afloat and moving through the water to meet a design challenge. Groups are creating a pirate ship model that must meet the dimension requirement of 12″x 4″, float in a choppy sea and not sink or tip over, and not take on water, either by leak or absorption. Students have immersed themselves (pun intended) in exploring design, as well as materials and their properties, to make a successful prototype. And yes, they will be tested in actual water!
Birds of Prey
Sixth grade students took part in a Birds of Prey presentation done by Hoo’s Woods Raptor Center. We love being able to use our new commons area for presentations!
JAM (Jazz Appreciation Month) Concert
Check out the photos from the JAM concert.
Auditions for Young Actors
A Note from the Nurse
Pump up Your Brain!
Exercise has so many good effects on your body! It improves blood flow and memory. It can change the brain in ways to protect memory and thinking skills. Exercise stimulates chemical changes in the brain to enhance learning, mood and thinking. Try to get outside and enjoy yourself.
Calendar of Events
16 – 6th Grade to Sheboygan Marsh
17 – 6th Grade to Sheboygan Marsh
17 – Jazz in the Park – MS/HS Jazz Ensembles – Settlers’ Park
20 – 6th Grade to Sheboygan Marsh
21 – 6th Grade to Sheboygan Marsh
21 – 5th Grade Concert
22 – 8th Grade Band – Band Festival at the Kalahari
23 – 8th grade art fieldtrip to Milwaukee art museum 9:20-2:00
24-27 – No School – Students and Staff
28 – 5th Grade Band Parent Meeting – 6:30 p.m. – MS Auditorium
30 – Incoming 5th Grade Family Night – 5:00 p.m
30 – Band Concert – 7:00 p.m
6 – 8th Grade Recognition – 6:30p.m.- HS Auditorium
7 – Last Day of School (full day)


SFMS Messenger – April 2019
April 16th, 2019
April 2019
From the Principal
Dear SFMS Families,
Physical Education students recently concluded the Kids Heart Challenge which supports the American Heart Association. During the months of March and April PE students improved their basketball skills and also learned about heart disease and how they can maintain a healthy heart. 
A total of $5031 was raised to help support the mission of the AHA. A special recognition goes out to Autumn who raised $1025!  
Many thanks to our physical education staff, Mr. Baranek, Mr. Knecht, and Mrs. Schreurs for organizing this opportunity for our students!
Amanda Pound
Interim Middle School Principal
Learning and Making Connections
Science Connections
In fifth grade science classes, students are working through three different experiments to identify a connection between them. These experiments require the students to be creative, think critically, and analyze data. At the conclusion of these experiments, the students are going to be diving into learning about how gravity works and the different variables that can affect it.
Math Connections
Students in Mrs. DuFoor’s sixth grade classes engaged in math experiments as part of an introduction activity to understanding of the use of variables within a math and science context. The use of this experiment puts the math into practice in a real-world situation.
Future Connections
Thank you, LTC, for the STEM experiences today! SFMS 8th grade students used a plasma cutter, changed a flat tire, escaped a closed trunk, tried hydraulic systems, viewed healthcare and informational technology, and explored career options.
Real World Connections
The fifth grade class visited BizTown this past Tuesday. Students were given an opportunity to learn about what it means to be a member of a community and economy. Each student had a unique job and were given specific responsibilities. Everyone had an exciting, busy, fun-filled day in the working realm at BizTown!
A Note from the Nurse
Are you up to date on your measles vaccination? From Jan to March of 2019, 387 individual cases of measles have been confirmed in 15 states. This is the second highest number of cases reported in the US since measles was eliminated in 2000. Protect yourself and others by getting vaccinated!
Calendar of Events
15                          Track Meet at Plymouth – 4:00 p.m.
19                          No School – Students and Staff
22                          Jazz Concert – MS/HS Jazz Ensembles – 7:00 p.m. – HS Auditorium
23                          Track Meet at home – 4:00 p.m.
29                          Track Meet at Sheboygan South – 4:00 p.m.
3                          8th Grade STEM field trip to Kohler Company
6                          6-8 Chorus Spring Concert – 7:30 p.m. – MS
                            Track Meet at Mishicot – 4:00 p.m.
9                            7th Grade Business Expo
10                          8th grade Acuity field trip 10:15-1:15
13                          6th Grade to Sheboygan Marsh
                              6-8 Bands Spring Concert – 7:00 p.m. – MS
14                          6th Grade to Sheboygan Marsh
16                          6th Grade to Sheboygan Marsh
17                          6th Grade to Sheboygan Marsh
                              Jazz in the Park – MS/HS Jazz Ensembles – Settlers’ Park
20                          6th Grade to Sheboygan Marsh
21                          6th Grade to Sheboygan Marsh
                              5th Grade Concert
22                          8th Grade Band – Band Festival at the Kalahari
23                          8th grade art fieldtrip to Milwaukee art museum 9:20-2:00
24-27                    No School – Students and Staff
28                         5th Grade Band Parent Meeting – 6:30 p.m. – MS Auditorium
Download Our App!
SFSDconnect, the School District of Sheboygan Falls mobile app, is your link to vital information, news, and updates while on the go. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out the latest updates on social media like Facebook and Twitter. Quickly retrieve contact information, social media posts, lunch menus, and more! It’s your school district available at your fingertips.


SFMS Messenger – February 2019
March 4th, 2019
February 2019
From the Principal
Dear SFMS Families,
Our students have been busy rehearsing for their upcoming performances of
School House Rock Live Jr! It features students in grades 5-8. Songs include “Conjunction Junction” and “I’m Just A Bill”, as well as many more. Performances are at Sheboygan Falls Middle School from March 14th-16th. Stop by the office to purchase your tickets. All tickets are $5.00. Sheboygan Falls students and children 4 and under get in for free.
Please come and support Music in your Schools Month, and join us for a music that is sure to get your toes tapping.
Amanda Pound
Interim Middle School Principal
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) regional competition took place on Saturday, February 16, 2019, in Menomonee Falls. Ben earned a fifth place medal for his elevator speech.
Students in Mrs. Schreurs’ physical education classes learned a new game called Spikeball. Students progressed through 3 levels of partner skill challenges at their own speed…chose whether to use a hula hoop, large net or small and also a choice between large and small ball. At the end of class students moved their plicker magnet to record their progress. The kids did awesome!
The Falcon Way
From the Behavior Team….
Each quarter, our students focus on working on expected behaviors. We would like to continue to partner with you at home as a way to connect to school. We have been focusing on Aggressive Behaviors and our Acceptable Use Policy (using technology appropriately). 
Some quick tips and reminders you can go over with your child are: 
Always keep your hands and feet to yourself. It is never ok to solve problems using aggressive behaviors. Please encourage your child to use their words or other problem solving strategies instead of putting their hands on another person, even if they need to walk away and try to problem solve when they are calm.
Remind students that technology is to be used as a tool. If your child has a cell phone which they bring to school, please remind them that this is considered a home tool. Home tools, like a cell phone, should be put in their locker at the start of the day and should not come out until the end of the day. If your child needs to contact a parent or guardian during the day, they should ask a teacher to use their phone. Students should NEVER use social media or take pictures during the day. Having your phone out during the day could result in a referral or having your phone put in the office. Chromebooks are considered school tools. They should only be used for school purposes and to increase learning. Teachers and staff have the right to restrict use of the Chromebooks if they are not being used for learning purposes.
Remember… A cell phone is a home tool and the Chromebook is a school tool. 
Thank you for reviewing these rules with your child/children.
A Note from the Nurse
It is estimated that 51 million school hours are lost each year due to oral health issues. Oral Health concerns are the most common chronic disease in school aged children. Discomfort and self consciousness caused by oral health disease interferes with the students ability to learn. Everyone should see their dentist 1-2 times per year. Please contact your nurses if you need help obtaining dental care. Did you know that your students can have their teeth checked while here at school through Lakeshore Dental. They are scheduled to visit our school district the week of 2/25/19. Call your nurses for details!
Please click on the link from the Sheboygan County Health Department to learn more about National Nutrition Month!
Upcoming Forward Exam Dates
Wisconsin Students in Grades 3 through 8 and Grade 10 will be participating in the Forward assessment during the weeks of March 18 – May 3 testing window. At SFMS:
  • Grade 5 will take the exam April 11,16,18 and, 23;
  • Grade 6 will take April 12,17,24, and 25;
  • Grade 7 will take on April 12,17, 24, and 25; and
  • Grade 8 will take on March 19, 20, 21 and April 11,16,18, and 23. 
Exams are broken into sessions or smaller chunks of time for completion.
The Forward assessment tests students in the areas of reading and math for grades 3-8. Grade 4 and 8 students are also tested in Social Studies and Science.  It is very important that your son or daughter be in school during this time. Students not in school on the scheduled testing days will be scheduled for a make-up test prior to the close of the testing window.
The Forward assessment measures the knowledge and skills your student should have acquired by the time they reach each grade level. Their performance on the assessment will not affect any of their current grades. Please encourage your son or daughter to take the test seriously and do the best they can. The results of these tests will be used to help school staff make determinations or placement in classes to best support your child. The results for each grade are also reported on our school report card.  
Calendar of Events
5                           Wrestling at home – 4:00 p.m.
7                           Wrestling at Brillion – 4:00 p.m.
9                           MS Solo and Ensemble – Kiel MS
11                         Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:00 p.m.
12                         Wrestling Conference Tournament at New Holstein – 4:00 p.m.
12-18                    Book Fair
14                         MS Play Performance for 5/6 – 1:00 p.m. – Middle School
                             MS Play – 7:00 p.m. – MS Auditorium
15                         MS Play Performance for 7/8 – 1:00 p.m. – Middle School
                             MS Play & Art Show – 7:00 p.m. – Middle School
16                         MS Play & Art Show – 1:00 p.m. – Middle School
MS Play & Art Show – 7:00 p.m. – Middle School
18-22 Wisconsin Forward Exam Testing Begins for 8th Grade Only
25-29                    No School – Spring Break
Download Our App!
SFSDconnect, the School District of Sheboygan Falls mobile app, is your link to vital information, news, and updates while on the go. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out the latest updates on social media like Facebook and Twitter. Quickly retrieve contact information, social media posts, lunch menus, and more! It’s your school district available at your fingertips.


SFMS Messenger – January 2019
February 4th, 2019
January 2019
From the Principal
Dear SFMS Families,
Experiences that can make a difference!
That was the focus when seventh grade health students were trained in “Hands-Only CPR” by Mrs. Schreurs, Mr. Knecht and Nurse Hackbarth. Hands-Only CPR is just two simple steps that can save lives.
Did you know that about 70 percent of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests happen in homes? CPR, especially if performed immediately, can double or triple a cardiac arrest victim’s chance of survival. 
Fact sheet on hands-only CPR:
Amanda Pound
Interim Middle School Principal
SFMS will be hosting a Family Title Night; Tues. Feb. 26th at 6pm-7pm.
We hope to see a great turnout of families.
More details to come soon!
LTC Visit for STEM
Eighth grade STEM students at SFMS were invited to LTC today for a field trip to explore different career options in STEM fields. They explored welding, electro mechanical, auto maintenance/collision, wind energy technology, and the Health Care Clinical Skills Lab. 
THANK YOU, LTC, for providing our students this invaluable experience!
Geo Bee at SFMS
SFMS Geo Bee Championship Round Finalists & School Champion Runner Up.
Wrestling in Physical Education
Coach Knecht and Coach Rob visited all middle school PE classes last week and gave students the opportunity to be introduced to wrestling.  
Grade 7 Science
Mr. Oetjen’s seventh grade students are learning about minimizing the impacts of pollution, and Kevin Dulmes joined us today to share how the school manages pollution. He also took the class on a special “field trip” to check out the upstairs ventilation system that filters our school’s air.
Head Lice Prevention Tips:
“Once a Week, Take a Peek”
  • Make checking for head lice part of a weekly routine.
  • During your child’s bath or shower, use conditioner. Brush hair first to remove tangles.
  • Carefully comb the hair when your child has a wet head. It is easier to spot lice with wet hair. If using a lice comb, you can also check the comb for lice or eggs.
  • Examine the scalp for eggs or nits near the hair shaft. Nits are firmly attached and do not shake off as other debris does.
  • Once you establish this routine, it will be easier to detect lice should it occur. Lice treated earlier are easier to treat.
  • If your child has long hair, keep secured back in ponytails, braids, or a bun.
  • Teach your child not to share hair accessories, hats, hoodies, etc. with others.
  • If you find lice, DO NOT PANIC! Your child will handle it better with a calm parent.
  • Head lice is not a sign of being dirty or sick, lice prefer clean hair.
  • You can get rid of lice with proper treatment.
  • Lice do not carry disease or spread disease.
  • All lice cases discussed with the school nurse or classroom teacher is confidential information.
  • Sheboygan Falls School District does not exclude children from school because of lice or nits.
Meet the Counselors
We wanted to introduce ourselves and share some information about our School Counseling Program. The Sheboygan Falls School District Comprehensive School Counseling Program adheres to the philosophy that the school counseling program is an essential and integral part of the overall education process.
This program supports, facilitates and encourages classroom instruction and student achievement. Our counseling program is proactive and preventive in its focus. More specifically, our mission is to maximize the potential of all students, helping them to become caring, capable, connected, and confident members of society.  The program addresses the personal/social, educational and career needs of all students. The program’s ultimate goal is for students to graduate with the competencies necessary to be able to make self-directed, realistic and responsible decisions and to be successful contributors to society.
Mr. Uselding, Grades 6-8 and Mrs. Lorge, Grades 3-5
WSCA Announces Program of Promise Award Winners
Milwaukee, WI. – This year, ten school counseling programs met/exceeded the requirements for Program of Promise award and will receive their awards at the annual Wisconsin School Counselor Association (WSCA) conference in Madison, WI on February 7, 2019.
The Program of Promise award is the highest recognition that a comprehensive school counseling program can receive from WSCA. School counselors submit a Wisconsin School Counseling Program Accountability Report (WSCPAR) highlighting their data driven program, student results in the career, academic, and social emotional domains, and school climate and safety. The peer reviewed WSCPAR must meet and exceed stringent content standards for award consideration. WSCPAR’s are reviewed once per year by a panel of school counseling professionals with the next submission deadline being October 15, 2019.
“Completing and submitting a WSCPAR to WSCA shows a commitment to advancing, creating, and maintaining a comprehensive and data driven school counseling program,” said Stacey Miller, WSCPAR Coordinator. “Meeting and exceeding the standards for the Program of Promise award grants recognition in front of your colleagues.”
read more
Free and Reduced
You can apply anytime through out the school year for Free and Reduced. You can find the applications
under the parent portal or on the web page under forms for families.
IF you qualify for free & reduced you are able to get breakfast FREE at all three schools.
Upcoming Events
5                          Girls Basketball vs. Sheboygan Horace Mann at SF
7th grade at ES/8th grade at MS
7                          Girls Basketball Sheboygan Farnsworth @ SF
7th grade at ES/8th grade at MS
8 Neon Glow Dance 3:15-5:15 (Originally schedule for February 1)
12                          Girls Basketball 7th & 8th at Sheboygan Urban
14                          Girls Basketball 7th & 8th at Plymouth
19                          Wrestling @ Plymouth – 4:00 p.m.
22                          No School – Professional Development for Teachers
26                          Family Title Night – 6-7p.m.
26                          Wrestling at New Holstein – 4:00 p.m.
28                          Wrestling at Reedsville – 4:00 p.m.
5                             Wrestling at home – 4:00 p.m.
7                             Wrestling at Brillion – 4:00 p.m.
9                             MS Solo and Ensemble – Kiel MS
11                          Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:00 p.m.
12                          Wrestling Conference Tournament at New Holstein – 4:00 p.m.
12-18                    Book Fair
14                         MS Play Performance for 5/6 – 1:00 p.m. – Middle School
                              MS Play – 7:00 p.m. – MS Auditorium
15                          MS Play Performance for 7/8 – 1:00 p.m. – Middle School
                              MS Play & Art Show – 7:00 p.m. – Middle School
16                          MS Play & Art Show – 1:00 p.m. – Middle School
                               MS Play & Art Show – 7:00 p.m. – Middle School
25-29                    No School – Spring Break
Download Our App!
, the School District of Sheboygan Falls mobile app, is your link to vital information, news, and updates while on the go. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out the latest updates on social media like Facebook and Twitter. Quickly retrieve contact information, social media posts, lunch menus, and more! It’s your school district available at your fingertips.


SFMS Messenger – December 2018
December 17th, 2018
 December 2018
From the Principal
 Dear SFMS Families,
Throughout the school year, students and staff alike routinely practice expected behaviors for areas throughout the building such as the commons, bathrooms, and recess areas. We call this the Falcon Way as we all work on making positive choices both inside the classroom and out. Students learn and know what it means to be responsible, respectful and safe throughout SFMS.
This past month, our staff and students reviewed bathroom expectations. Soon, we will be reviewing expectations for Chromebook usage such as keeping the Chromebook in the case, setting the Chromebook down in a safe spot (stable table), and being mindful of how you close your Chromebook. These expectations are good reminders for students on how to responsibly and respectfully use and maintain their Chromebooks.
Here at SFMS, we all work to make expected choices because it is the Falcon Way. At home you can also help us positively reinforce the Falcon Way by talking with your child about what the expectations are for in the classroom and for those spaces beyond the classroom.
Amanda Pound
Interim Middle School Principal
Kyle Pankonin of Bemis Manufacturing built a Lock Out-Tag Out (LOTO) board for our STEM classroom. Students will be learning about safety practices in manufacturing using this medium, in addition to common vocabulary and procedures. This is an application of what was learned at the Bemis Externship this past summer, to help the SFMS STEM students understand how these concepts can be applied and put into action. 
Thank you to Bemis for the opportunity and the LOTO board! This was the first experience for some of the students, whereas others vocalized that they recognized these devices from their parents’ workplaces. 
Veterans Day Program
Learning Experiences
Helping Others
Students from Mrs. Lorge’s Falcon Club (and with assistance from Mr. Uselding) helped organized a food drive that provided non-perishable food items to our local food pantry.
Hour of Code
The fifth graders in Ms. Beaudry’s science classes, as well as Ms. Probst’s 5th and 6th grade STEM classes, participated in Hour of Code activities. These activities teach students coding, which helps them understand computer programming. 
Tuition Waiver
If you are anticipating a move or moving out of the Sheboygan Falls District during the current school year, your student can continue attending school in Sheboygan Falls. Please contact your building office, or the district office, to receive DPI Form PI-9419-A – Request for Tuition Waiver Due to Move, for the remainder of the 2018-2019 school year. Completion of this form will enable your child to continue attending school in the Sheboygan Falls District even though you no longer live within the District boundaries for the remainder of this school year. An open enrollment application or alternate open enrollment application will then need to be completed for the 2019-2020 school year and beyond. Please call Julie Hahn at 467-7893 if you have any questions regarding tuition waivers or open enrollment.
A Note from our Nurses
The cold flu season is an excellent reminder of the importance of hand washing.
  1. Wash your hands when they are dirty and before eating.
  2. Do not cough or sneeze into your hands.
  3. Never touch your T zone to prevent infections from entering the human body.. This zone is the area around the eyes, nose, or mouth.
Please view the link from the Sheboygan County Public Health Department for tips on self-care during the hectic holiday season.
Upcoming Events
18                   Boys Basketball vs. Plymouth – 7th grade at ES/8th grade at MS
21                   Preview Concert for 8th Grade students – 8:00 a.m. – MS Aud.
24- Jan. 1       Winter Break
11                   MS Talent Show – 6:30 p.m. – MS Auditorium
15                   Girls basketball vs. Plymouth – 7th grade at ES/8th grade at MS
17                   Girls Basketball 7th & 8th at Manitowoc Washington
22                   Girls Basketball 7th at Two Rivers
                       Girls Basketball 8th at Sheboygan Falls vs. Two Rivers
24                   Girls Basketball 7th & 8th grade at Kiel
29                   Girls Basketball New Holstein at SF 7thgrade at ES/8th grade at MS
31                   Girls Basketball 8th grade at Manitowoc Wilson  7th grade Manitowoc Wilson at SFMS
Download Our App!
SFSDconnect, the School District of Sheboygan Falls mobile app, is your link to vital information, news, and updates while on the go. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out the latest updates on social media like Facebook and Twitter. Quickly retrieve contact information, social media posts, lunch menus, and more! It’s your school district available at your fingertips.


SFMS Messenger – October 2018
November 14th, 2018
October 2018
From the Principal
Dear SFMS Families,
Each day brings new learning experiences for our students throughout the learning spaces of SFMS. As you will read below, our teachers are working hard each day to cultivate and provide these learning experiences for our students. What our students experience in our classrooms today leads to learning connections in the future. It is because of these exploration opportunities that we are able to deepen our connections to our learning through collaboration and inquiry.
Amanda Pound
Interim Middle School Principal
Family & Consumer Science Classes
In Mrs. Woodworth’s seventh grade Family and Consumer classes, students learned about locally grown and in season foods. They started with cucumbers from Mr. Brunner’s agriculture program making tzatziki sauce which they ate with bagel chips and carrots. They cut up pumpkins grown at Wiengart’s pumpkin farm. The students steamed and pureed the pumpkins. Roasted the pumpkin seeds and made personal pumpkin pies. Yum!!!
Collaborative Work in Integrated Classes
Mrs. Fitchko’s sixth grade students are examining *Structure* components of a Personal Narrative using the Station Teaching model.
Mrs. Hiles and Mrs. Harm’s seventh grade Integrated classes met up to receive feedback on their writing using the Lucy Calkins curriculum. The students read their essays to one another and gave meaningful feedback to help each other improve their writing within their realistic fiction stories.
STEM Class
Students in Ms. Probst’s sixth, seventh, and eighth graders in STEM are working on their tool badge for Manufacturing Month.
Make it My Way – Pasta Bar
On Monday Oct. 15, we were able to try a new menu concept: Make It My Way. The idea was from from Vendor Street Level Marketing. The lunch staff served the “Make it My Way – Pasta Bar.” The staff, along with Nutrition Director Amy Lawrenz, served the students that day. They had their choice of pasta, meatballs, chicken, and meat sauce, Alfredo or marinara sauce, and could also add, broccoli, spinach or mushrooms. It was very well received and some tweaks to be done for the next time. The students were able to enjoy trying something new.
Author Visit
Author Lora Hyler speaking with students after her presentation about being an author and her book,
The Stupendous Adventures of Mighty Marty Hayes
to our 5th and 6th graders on October 12. Her visit was sponsored by the Sheboygan Children’s Book Festival.
From Our School Nurse
October is the national month of protect your hearing-It’s important to protect yourself and your loved ones from noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).
People of all ages can be affected by NIHL. Signs of NIHL may not be obvious at first, but they can build over time. A recent study shows that about 13 to 18 percent of children and teens ages 12 to 19 have signs of possible NIHL
Why should you protect your hearing from Noise-induced hearing loss?
• Can build over time. • Is permanent. • Is preventable.
How to Protect Your Hearing?
• Lower the volume. • Move away from the noise. • Wear hearing protectors, such as earplugs or earmuffs.
Old SFHS Yearbooks For Sale
Old SFHS yearbooks (1998-2018) are being sold at $10/book. Email [email protected]
with any questions. All proceeds benefit the 2018-19 yearbook.
Upcoming Events
3                            Lawrence Jazz Festival – MS Jazz Ensemble 8am-4pm
12                          Veterans Day Program — 8:30 a.m.@ SFHS
12                          Jazz Concert – MS/HS Jazz Ensembles – 7:00 p.m. – HS Aud.
13                          Boys Basketball 7th & 8th @ Plymouth
15                          Boys Basketball 8th grade Manitowoc Wilson @ SF
                              Boys Basketball 7th grade @ Manitowoc Wilson
20                          Boys Basketball 7th & 8th grade at Sheboygan Horace Mann          
22-23                    Thanksgiving Break
27                          Boys Basketball 7th & 8th grade vs. Kiel 7th at ES/ 8th at MS
29                          Boys Basketball 7th & 8th grade at Sheboygan Urban
30                          Music Department Fundraiser Reward Activity
Friday, May 1
Download Our App!
SFSDconnect, the School District of Sheboygan Falls mobile app, is your link to vital information, news, and updates while on the go. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out the latest updates on social media like Facebook and Twitter. Quickly retrieve contact information, social media posts, lunch menus, and more! It’s your school district available at your fingertips.


SFMS Messenger – September 2018
September 21st, 2018
September 2018
From the Principal
Dear SFMS Families,
Welcome back to a new school year and a new building! Students and teachers alike have been busy discovering our beautiful new learning space. We are all beginning to settle into our new schedules and daily routines. As you will discover below, students are engaged in their learning through the experiences that their teachers are providing for them everyday. Here’s to an exciting 2018-2019 school year of learning and growing together!
Amanda Pound
Interim Middle School Principal
SFMS Open House
Safety Drills Help Us Prepare
Safety drills were conducted at each of our three schools the morning of September 20th with minimal disruption to instruction. Students and staff practiced a “Shelter in Place” scenario with the support of Sheboygan County Emergency Management.  
A reminder that our District’s emergency information for families can be found on our website: 
We Respect Each Other
Visit from J-Line Crew
On Friday September 14th, SFMS hosted The J-Line Dance Crew for an all school assembly. The 45 minute show included 30 minutes of interactive high energy dancing and 15 minutes speaking to students about respect, responsibility, anti-bullying, and setting goals for themselves. It was a fun, engaging, and entertaining experience for all. The J- Line Dance crew travels all around the United States, coming from New York, to spread this positive message to students in school! 
Learning and Growing Together
The seventh and eighth grade science students working collaboratively on a design challenge to build the tallest straw tower. 
Eighth grade STEM students working on structural design challenge. 
Egg Drop Challenge
Students in Mr. Berg’s and Mr. Oetjen’s eighth grade science class worked together to determine how to best secure and protect their eggs for the egg drop challenge. Through inquiry and collaboration, students used the engineering design process to develop a carrier and system that would protect their eggs from breaking.
Homecoming Week October 1 – October 5
Drop off and pick up procedures
Below is a link to a video created to share regarding drop off and pick up procedures. A big thank you to our community for helping us keep all students and families safe by continuing to follow our safety procedures.
A Note from Our Nurses
Concussions have become an epidemic in the United States, with millions of mild traumatic brain injuries happening each year. On Friday, September 21st National Concussion Awareness Day® will raise awareness about the importance of recognizing a concussion, treating it appropriately, and supporting the injured. According to a poll by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center nearly 9 out of 10 adults in the U.S. can’t correctly define a concussion. A concussion is a mild form of brain injury and should be taken seriously.
 If your child suffers from a concussion, please let your nurses know. We can help with school accommodations.
Upcoming Events
18        P7 club 3:20-4:15
20        Volleyball @ Sheboygan Farnsworth 7th & 8th
24        Volleyball @ Two Rivers 7th & 8th
             Yearbook mtg 3:15
25        P7 club 3:20-4:15
27        Volleyball Manitowoc Wilson @ Sheboygan Falls 7th grade at ES/8th grade at MS
28        Music Department Fundraiser Orders Due
1                Volleyball @ New Holstein 7th & 8th
              Student Council mtg. 3:15
2                P7 club 3:20-4:15
4         Volleyball Kiel @ Sheboygan Falls 7th grade at ES/8th grade at MS
6          Community Open House
8          Volleyball @ Manitowoc Washington 7th & 8th
9          Picture Re-takes
             P7 club 3:20-4:15
11        Volleyball Sheboygan Urban @ Sheboygan Falls 7th grade at ES/8th grade at MS
12        Author Visit for 5th & 6th Grade
15        Volleyball at Plymouth
             Student Council mtg. 3:15
16        P7 club 3:20-4:15
17        Chorus trip to Chicago
19        No School – Professional Development for teachers
22        MS Music fundraiser delivery – 12:45 p.m.
23-Nov. 1          Book Fair
23        P7 club 3:20-4:15
25        Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00-8:00 p.m.
30        Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:00 p.m.
             P7 club 3:20-4:15
Friday, May 1


SFMS Messenger – May 2018
May 18th, 2018
May 2018
 Future Entrepreneurs
Creating Success
Seventh graders held their annual Business Expo. Students showcased their knowledge of entrepreneurial practices by creating a business product or service and selling to all fifth and sixth grade classes. This Expo was a huge success and will fund the 7th Grade class end of year excursion.
From the Principal
The End is in Sight
Signs of spring are slowly surrounding us and we find ourselves facing the “final stretch” to the end of another school year. With so many upcoming trips and events planned that need parent chaperones, all adults are reminded that current background checks need to be on file with the school. Please get the paperwork into the district office in a timely manner.
Eighth Grade Recognition Night, scheduled for Tuesday, June 5, will be here soon. Letters were mailed to all eighth grade families on May 1. Please be sure to return the RSVP portion to school by May 29. Parent chaperones, including at least 2 fathers, will be needed for the dance after the ceremony.
As you can see below, students and staff have been busy with all kinds of learning activities. Thank you for helping your child have a successful year at SFMS.
Meloney Markofski
Achieving and Believing
SFMS staff planning lessons for their students during an in-service day. We appreciate their work!
Fifth Grade Fun
Fifth graders took an exercise break during Falcon Time for mental health awareness. 
Fifth graders were outside after testing, picking up trash for Earth Week. One student said, “It’s like an Easter egg hunt, but with trash!”
Special Guests
Our 6th grade students recently experienced special guests during a Birds of Prey program. Diane Moeller of Hoo’s Woods Rapture Center, located in Milton, WI, talked with them about rehabilitation of birds and what can be done to help. Accompanying Diane were some of her bird friends ‘hoo’ are always popular!
Seventh Grade Science
Seventh grade science classes have been working on genetics, natural selection and evolution. Students used characters from Sesame Street to cross and model how traits are passed on to offspring. 
A ‘Bright’ Future
One of our 8th-grade science students is passionate about being an electrician. He recently used his knowledge and skills to teach his classmates how to wire a light switch and an outlet.
Run, run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m a FALCON!
May is  Mental Health  Month
Sheboygan Falls MS & Mental Health America are raising awareness about the connection between physical  health and mental health, through the theme Fitness #4Mind4Body.  The campaign is meant to educate and inform individuals about how  eating healthy foods, gut health, managing stress, exercising, and getting  enough sleep can go a long way in making you healthy all around.
Musical Moments
Engagement in 7th Grade General Music
These are 7th Grade Music Appreciation Students that have chosen a pop song and have collaborated to perform it today. We are working on contemporary music and the students are now using the instruments that we have studied this year to put it all together doing something they enjoy and meeting the standard for performance. You will notice that some have things memorized, some are using paper, and some are improving whatever best fits their learning needs. Enjoy!
Grade 7/8 students warming up for their final band concert of the year
​Sixth Grade Band students using Quizlet Live, a collaborative classroom game, to review music vocabulary. Students are building Soft Skills by working together and communicating with each other and building Hard Skills by reinforcing vocabulary and working for accuracy over speed. 
The 8th Grade Band students are busy preparing for their performance at the 2018 Band Festival at the Kalahari. They will be performing at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 23, 2018. On Friday, May 11, a group of HS Band students and local percussion specialist Glenn Zeinemann shared their time and talents with our students by running sectionals on their festival selections. 
Chromebook Collection
The IT department will be soon be collecting Chromebooks in order to:
  • quickly go through the carts to determine that all of the devices are accounted for
  • assist students with tracking down missing devices before the year ends
  • prevent any Chromebooks from walking home with students for the summer
Over the summer, they will go through the carts more thoroughly to determine any fines and complete any necessary repairs.
As outlined in the Chromebook agreement, students may be fined for:
  • $30 – damaged screen
  • up to $20 – missing or damaged cases (if not previously fined for the damaged case)
  • up to $10 – cleaning which includes, but is not limited to:
  • removing stickers, tape, writing, etc. that was not done by the IT dept.
  • disposing of papers, notes, etc.
Upcoming Events
May 18 – ‘Jazz in the Park’ MS/.HS Jazz Concert at Settler’s Park
May 23 – 8th Grade Band- Band Festival at the Kalahari
May 25 – NO SCHOOL for Students or Staff
May 28 – HOLIDAY: No School for Students or Staff
May 29 – 5th Grade Band Parent Meeting- 6:30 pm MS Auditorium
June 5 – 8th Grade Recognition – 6:00 social in HS Cafeteria, 6:30 program in HS Auditorium,
7:30-10:00 8th grade dance in HS Cafeteria
June 6 – 8th Grade Trip
Grades 5-7 early release 11:10am
8th Graders – No School
July 31 – District Registration/Picture Day-HS Cafeteria- 9:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Friday, May 1